About our station

Welcome to Sutton Park Radio

The STORY BEHIND the Station

Early in the first lockdown, in many of the local communities, local people, local organisations and small businesses were working hard to make a huge difference to the lives of people in the community who were being effected by the restrictions of the lockdown.
The importance of being part of an active community at times like these became evident. The greater sense of community became clear.

In response, Roland Roberts a local businessman and Sam Rabone a Streetly resident and actor and entertainer saw the opportinty to build on this growing sense of community mindedness.
Both had some experience of Radio and knew how this could  make a difference to the communities that surround Sutton Park.

Physically, Sutton Park provides a significant central point for all of the communities around it. In that sense and in many others it sits at the heart of our communities.

The station is named after the park for that very reason. 

© 2020 Sutton Park Radio  In the Heart of your Community.
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