Our Presenters

We’re always looking for new talent to add to the team. If you’re interested, contact us at hello@suttonparkradio.com

Sam Rabone

Presenter & Station Controller

Breakfast at the Weekend on Saturday and Sunday 9am - 11am

Roland Roberts

Presenter and Head of Blame

Weekend Lunchtime show on Saturday and Sunday 12 noon until 2pm

Stage Door Johnny

Presenter & Man about town
Sunday night Cocktail Hour 8pm -9pm

Nick Deeming

Presenter & professional DJ

Mixtape of 80s music on Saturdays between 3pm and 5pm

Laura Fleming

Saturday evening Nineties & Noughties show 6pm - 7pm

Rob Taylor

Presenter and Musician 

Sunday nights 7pm - 8pm Live from Lichfield

Bob Gessey

Presenter and Musician

The Knoxville Highway show Sunday afternoons 3pm - 4pm.

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